

Key Features

  • Increase Performance during Intercourse and overall.
  • Strengthen your immunity.
  • Enhances fertility and Revitalize the libido.
  • Prevents ageing and diseases.
  • It is an excellent drug for producing sturdiness of the body.

Looking to enhance sexual performance? There’s no need to turn to drugs from Western Medicine when you can try a more natural approach with Shilajit. Not only will it help solve problems in the bedroom, but it’ll also provide a ton of other health benefits for men and women.

Shilajit, a key ingredient in Menshila, is a potent natural aphrodisiac. It is effective in increasing testosterone levels in men which improves sex drive. It is also a safe supplement for male impotency, improves sperm motility and treats conditions like Spermatorrhoea. In addition, Menshila is also an excellent preparation to rejuvenate the body.

Touted often as the “Destroyer of Weakness” by Ayurvedic practitioners, which speaks to its incredible ability to bring strength and rejuvenation to the body. Unlike most of our herbal products, this tar-like material is not actually harvested directly from a plant.

Menshila is fortified with the nourishing qualities of Jeevaniya gana drugs, milk and ghee, which promotes tissue level repair and rejuvenation. It is also serially potentiated with decoctions of Triphala, Guduchi, Patola, Bala and Yashti, each with superlative Pittasamana action, making it capable of stimulating and maintaining metabolism.

  • Act as a natural tonic for improving male fertility.
  • Helps in achieving and maintaining harder erection.
  • Improve sex drive and enhancing libido since ancient times.
  • Increase Performance during Intercourse and overall.
  • Prevents ageing and Strengthen your immunity.
Dosage & Instructions

One tablet once or twice a day, followed by lukewarm milk or as directed by the physician.

It is administered with milk, meat soup, pomegranate juice, raisins, appropriate Asava and Arishta based on the target disease.

  • Zingiber officinale
  • Emblica officinalis
  • Terminalia chebula
  • Terminalia bellirica
  • Piper longum
  • Piper nigrum
  • Ipomoea mauritiana
  • Abies spectabilis
  • Maranta arundinacea
  • Elettaria cardamomum
  • Cinnamomum zeylanica
  • Cinnamomum tamala
  • Mesua ferrea
  • Desmodium gangeticum
  • Pseudarthria viscid
  • Aerva lanata
  • Solanum indicum
  • Tribulus terrestris
  • Gmelina arborea
  • Aegle marmelos
  • Stereospermum suaveolens
  • Clerodendrum serratum
  • Tinospora cordifolia
  • Sida cordifolia
  • Trichosanthes dioica
  • Glycyrrhiza glabra
  • Withania somnifera
  • Asparagus racemosus
  • Vitis vinifera
  • Curculigo orchioides
  • Coccinia grandis
  • Cuminum cyminum
  • Nigella sativa
  • Desmodium gangeticum
  • Alpinia galangal
  • aaaa
  • Plumbago indica
  • Baliospermum montanum
  • Scindapsus officinalis
  • Holarrhena antidysentrica
  • Piper brachystachyum
  • Cyperus rotundus
  • Picrorhiza kurroa
  • Pistacia chinensis
  • Cyclea peltata
  • Jasmimum grandiflorum
  • Sugar
  • Honey
  • Gingelly oil
  • Milk
  • Gomutram
  • Shilajit
  • 7 Weeks – Excellent effect
  • 3 Weeks – Moderate effect, and
  • 1 Week – Very Little effect
  • Since herbal ingredients are used in this product, color and taste may vary from the previous batches, which will not encompass its efficacy.
  • Store in a cool dry place away from direct sunlight.
Other Information

Shilajit in Ayurveda

Shilajit includes four of the six Ayurvedic tastes—pungent, bitter, salty, and astringent—and carries a pungent, heating energy, or virya. While it is considered balancing for all three doshas of vatapitta, and kapha, its gentle heating nature can become aggravating for pitta if used in excess.7

Shilajit has an affinity for the mutra vaha srota (urinary system), where it helps to clear the stagnation of kapha, tone vata, and stimulate the flow of apana vayu through the pelvic region. It also strengthens the kidneys, a vital part of the greater urinary system.

Shilajit also has a powerful effect on the medas dhatu (fat tissue) and the ambuvaha srotas (the channels of water) throughout the body, helping to regulate healthy weight and maintain well-balanced blood sugar levels in the normal range.

In the reproductive system (shukra dhatu), shilajit is renowned for supporting the health and function of the ovaries and testes. As a rasayana, it has a nourishing and replenishing quality that benefits the tissues of the entire reproductive system, protecting them from excess vata, premature degeneration, and general weakness.

Knowing this, you may ask, is shilajit is a good choice for post-partum rejuvenation? According to Ayurveda—absolutely!

Thanks to its high mineral content, shilajit is also highly supportive of rakta dhatu (blood) and asthi dhatu (bone), helping to nourish healthy blood and build strong, resilient bones.

On a broader scale, shilajit supports natural cleansing of any accumulated stagnation or toxicity, while also building and rejuvenating healthy tissues throughout the body. Through these actions, it is a powerful ally for balancing all three doshas.

Considering shilajit’s high mineral content and its ability to support so many systems and tissue layers in the body, it is no surprise that shilajit is considered an adaptogenic herb, making it a wonderful ally for supporting the adrenals and healthy energy levels while it helps your body cope with stress.

Traditionally, shilajit is known as yoga vahi—which means “joining carrier”—because of its ability to carry and drive nutrients deep into the body so they can work most effectively. As a yoga vahi, shilajit can be taken with other herbs and supplements to enhance their effectiveness.



Shilajit is a top herb for sexual health problems. Described as an aphrodisiac, it has been used for treating lack of sex drive and enhancing libido since ancient times.

Its natural ability to boost the body’s mitochondrial function and energy levels, in turn, has a positive effect on our sexual and spiritual power.

Shilajit supplements have also been recognised as a natural substance for relieving anxiety and stress, both of which can have an impact on sexual arousal.


Shilajit has long been used in Ayurvedic medicine as a natural tonic for improving male fertility. What’s more, the claims are backed by science. A modern day study of 60 infertile men (with sperm counts of 20 million or less) found that more than half of those prescribed a Shilajit supplement experienced an increase in both sperm count and sperm motility. So if you have a low sperm count and are struggling with male fertility, it might be worth giving Shilajit a try to see if it makes a difference.


Shilajit contains a whole host of powerful antioxidants and essential minerals, which aid the body in fighting free radicals and maintaining good health. They also help to ensure proper blood flow – something which is necessary to achieving and maintaining an erection.

By relieving the anxiety and stress associated with erectile dysfunction, Shilajit can help to improve sexual arousal and sexual performance.


Unfortunately, as we get older our hormone levels start to drop and it can have a detrimental effect on our sexual power. For example, did you know that testosterone levels start to decrease each year after a man turns 30? For some men, the drop in testosterone is more dramatic than for others.

Symptoms of low testosterone levels can include a low sex drive, hair loss, reduction in muscle mass, fatigue and increased body fat.

The good news? Shilajit can increase testosterone levels and again, it’s backed up by science. One particular study found that testosterone levels increased substantially in males aged between 45-55 given Shilajit twice daily.

So there’s no need to turn to steroids that will do more harm than good. Instead, go natural and try Menshila. We’d also recommend regular exercise and eating foods rich in Vitamin D and Zinc to boost testosterone levels.

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