Azoospermia is the complete absence of sperm in the neat and centrifuged sample of semen. It is always important to remember that the semen analysis has to be repeated at least twice if a diagnosis of Azoospermia is to be entertained. The Etiology of Azoospermia can either be Obstructive or Non-Obstructive.

In Obstructive Azoospermia there is an obstruction to the path the sperm travels from the testis to the penis. The obstruction could be in the testis, the epidydymis, the vas deferens (the vas could also be absent) or the ejaculatory duct.


Asthenic means Weak. Asthenozoospermia is a condition where the sperms have reduced motility (movement) compared to healthy ones. Some men have 100% immotile sperms and that happens to 1 in 5000 men.

It is this inability of the sperm to move efficiently inside a woman’s body which is vital to reach the egg and cause pregnancy. Yes, your guess is correct, asthenozoospermia causes Infertility in men. The motile and healthy sperm needs to move through the woman’s reproductive tract to fertilise the egg for it to result in a pregnancy.

Men are diagnosed with low sperm motility when less than 40 per cent of the sperms can move efficiently. For the sperm to get through the cervical mucus to fertilize a woman’s egg it needs to have a progressive motility of at least 25 micrometres per second, anything less than that results in low sperm motility.

There are different types of sperm motility issues, which include; slow or sluggish progressive motility, non-progressive motility (less than 5 micrometres) and no motility. Progressive motility is where the sperms move linearly. Non progressive motility may be either when the sperms move sluggishly or go around and around in the same place.

Causes of Asthenozoospermia

The reasons for poor sperm motility is not well understood, but research claims it can be affected by:

  • Presence of antisperm antibodies
  • Excessive consumption of alcohol or drugs (tobacco, marijuana)
  • Age (motility decreases from 45 years of age)
  • Exposure to toxic products (fertilisers, chemicals)
  • Infections in semen
  • Problems in testicles
  • Abnormal sperm morphology
  • Varicocele
  • Poor diet
  • Vasectomy
  • Fever
  • Chemotherapy and radiotherapy
  • Habits which increase the temperature in the testicles
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Oligozoospermia is diagnosed when the concentration of sperm in semen is less than 15million/ml. As in Azoospermia, the semen analysis should be repeated twice. There are many reasons for Oligozoospermia. Endocrinopathies are a predominant reason for a reducing sperm count. Prolactinomas are notorious for reducing sperm counts.

Genetic factors like Y chromosome microdeletions occur in 6% of men with low sperm counts. An abnormal karyotype is seen in about 2% of these men. Varicoceles have always been a point of semantics for ages. However, there is a lot of irrefutable evidence to prove that varicoceles do affect semen parameters.

Classification of Oligozoospermia

  • Depending on the quantity of sperm present in a man’s sperm, Oligozoospermia is classified into 3 types:
  • Mild – When the sperm count is between 5 to 14 million / millimeter of semen
  • Moderate – When the sperm count is between 1 to 5 million / mm of semen
  • Severe – When the sperm count is less than 1 million / mm of semen.

What is Cryptozoospermia?

Cryptozoospermia is a special case of Oligozoospermia when the sperm count is less than 100,000 in one millimeter of semen.

Possible reasons for Oligozoospermia

Sperm travels from testes to the urethra. When there is a partial obstruction of the ducts, oligozoospermia condition can be experienced.


  • Problems in Epididymis (the place where the development of sperms happen)
  • Trauma or inflammation of testicles (for any reason, injury or infection etc)
  • Due to side effects of medication or negative effects of drugs, alcohol, tobacco products etc.
  • Lifestyle related – activities that increase the temperature of the testicles (clothing, saunas etc).
  • If left untreated or unrecognized, Oligozoospermia can turn into cryptozoospermia (very low
  • concentration of sperms in semen as mentioned above) or into azoospermia, a condition where the sperms are completely absent.
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Teratozoospermia refers to abnormal sperm morphology. Sperm morphology refers to the size and shape of the sperm. Any deviation from the normal size and shape of the sperms is referred to as teratozoospermia. A normal appearing sperm has an oval elongated head with the dark staining nucleus (DNA) and 1 or 2 empty spaces (vacuoles). The head is connected to the tail by a mid-piece which has a neck. Under the microscope at least 4-5% of sperms should appear normal. To be more specific teratozoospermia is diagnosed when more than 95% of sperms in a man’s semen sample is of abnormal morphology. However, this is highly subjective as it depends on the person looking under the microscope. Toxins, infections and Varicoceles again contribute to abnormal sperm morphology.

What does a normal sperm look like?

What a normal sperm looks like. The different parts of a sperm are head, neck, mid-piece and tail. A normal sperm is about 3-5 micrometer in length and 2-3 micrometer in width. The head is oval in shape and covered by a structure called the acrosome. The acrosome should be about 40-70% of the sperm size.

Teratozoospermia – Morphology of Sperm

What are the different types of defects in the shape of the sperm?

  • Sperm head defects:
  • Large Head
  • Small Head
  • An Elongated Head
  • Irregularly shaped head
  • Globozoospermia or round headed sperm with absent acrosome.

The acrosome covering the head of the sperm may sometimes be too small or absent altogether. The head of the sperm may sometimes be totally detached from the rest of the sperm.

Neck and mid-piece defects

  • Asymmetric neck or mid-piece
  • Bent neck
  • Too thin or too thick neck or mid-piece
  • Irregular neck or mid-piece
  • Presence of abnormal droplet within the mid-piece

Sperm tail defects

  • Short
  • Coiled
  • Bent in hairpin fashion
  • Broken
  • Duplicated
  • With an abnormal terminal droplet

Causes of Teratozoospermia :

Many a times the cause of teratozoospermia is unknown. Alterations in the sperm morphology ensue during the last stage of spermatogenesis. Some possible causes of teratozoospermia are:

  • Cancer chemotherapy and radiotherapy.
  • Radiation exposure
  • Some drugs that interact with sex hormones
  • Diabetes mellitus and certain other chronic medical conditions
  • Trauma to the testes
  • Alcohol and drug abuse
  • Smoking
  • High fever and viral infections
  • Acute stress
  • Testicular infections
  • Meningitis which is the infection of the covering layers of the brain
  • Cancers such as Hodgkins lymphoma
  • Autoimmune conditions such as Coeliac disease and Crohns disease
  • Varicocele in which there is abnormal dilatation of veins of the scrotum hampering testicular blood flow
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