Dhairya Capsule


Key Features

  • Effectively helps prevents premature ejaculation for extended pleasure.
  • Relieves stress and stress-induced PME.
  • Increases male hormone levels.
  • It is effective in loss of libido and night fall.
  • It also enhances strength, vitality and stamina.
  • Nourishes muscle and nerves.

Dhairya Capsule is naturally blended with herbs to increase endurance which helps overcome early climax, overtime. Scientifically formulated, it not only boosts your body’s natural production of testosterone but also improves your body’s ability to perform better.

Dhairya Capsule is a special preparation to address the very common sexual complaint of men – Premature ejaculation. It also helps in night fall, seminal leakage, low libido and general debility. It promotes formation of best quality saptadhatu which is shukra, in quality as well as in quantity. Alongwith the strengthening of the shukrasthana it also increases the sustaining capacity. It boosts stamina, vigour & vitality and relives mantal stress, anxiety and fatigue.

  • Premature Ejaculation
  • Night Fall/ Nocturnal Emissions
  • Spermatorrhoea
  • Sexual Neurosis
  • Other Hyperasthetic sexual conditions
Dosage & Instructions

1-2 Capsule twice a day with milk/ water, or as advised by the physician.

  • Shwet Musli
  • Ashwagandha
  • Kaunch Beej
  • Shuddha Shilajit
  • Gokhru Bada
  • Talmakhana
  • Chincha
  • Yohimbine
  • Horny Goat Weed
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